Asia and Pacific: climate disasters displace 42 million

Photograph: © SAF


Climate-related disasters have displaced more than 42 million people in Asia over the past two years, the Asian Development Bank said Tuesday in a report calling for swift action to avert future crises.

Asia and the Pacific is the global area most prone to natural disasters, and Asia has six of the 10 countries most vulnerable to climate change, with Bangladesh and India in the top two places on a list that also includes Nepal, the Philippines, Afghanistan and Myanmar…

Read Full Article, AFP

People Displaced by Climate Change Need Our Help, But So Do Those Who Cannot Leave, American Scientist
The environment is already affecting patterns of human migration. On the island of Hatia, along coastal Bangladesh, 22 percent of households have migrated to cities as a coping strategy following tidal surges. A recent UK report has shown that a focus on populations migrating away from environmental change neglects 2 key groups of vulnerable people: the many millions who will actually migrate into areas of environmental threat, and those who will be trapped there by economic, social or environmental challenges.

Was Human Evolution Caused by Climate Change? Science Daily
According to a paper published in Science, models of how animal and plant distributions are affected by climate change may also explain aspects of human evolution.

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