Peru Examines Deaths of More Than 500 Pelicans

Photo courtesy of: © Mat Kubota


The government of Peru is investigating the deaths of more than 500 pelicans found along a 70km (40-mile) stretch of the country’s northern coast. Officials say most appeared to have died on shore over the past few days…

Between January and April of this year, some 800 dead dolphins washed ashore in Lambayeque, according to government figures…

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Mueren más de mil pelícanos en la costa peruana
Más de mil pelícanos fueron encontrados muertos en la costa norte de Perú durante la semana, dijeron el domingo organizaciones de pescadores, mientras el gobierno abrió una investigación sobre las causas de las muertes.

615 Dead Dolphins Discovered on Peruvian Coast, Oil Exploration Thought to be Responsible
Researchers from ORCA Peru and have discovered 615 dead dolphins along a 135km stretch of the coast of Peru, according to a statement from BlueVoice. While the research, sanctioned by the Peruvian Ecological Police has not determined a definitive cause for the horrific “Unexplained Mortality Event”, Dr. Yaipen Llanos of Orca Peru fears that the fatalities may have been caused by sonic blasts used in oil exploration…

Mancora Beach, Piura, northwestern coast, Perú. “Local media reports suggest more than 1,200 dead pelicans have been found in the Piura and Lambayeque regions…” BBC. Photo source: ©© Dns

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