Japan Tsunami Debris on Pagan Island: Financial Problems May Lead to a Second Environmental Mess

Pagan is an island in the Marianas archipelago, under the political jurisdiction of the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. Pagan is extremely isolated, located 198 km (123 miles) from the Marianas Islands capital on Saipan Island and more than 1000 miles from mainland Japan. It is one of the most biologically diverse islands in the Northern Marianas, and is currently uninhabited. Photo source: ©© NASA


What would motivate a small island nation to settle for the foreign mining of its pozzolan resources, and sell one of its most limited commodities : land? This is a story about how a small island in the tropical pacific was proposed as a dumpsite for trash from the 2011 Japan tsunami…

Read Full Article, Scientific American

No more tsunami debris, Saipan Tribune
A group of Japanese investors is considering dropping a plan, at least for now, to ship tsunami debris from Japan to Pagan but it still wants to mine pozzolan on the island, a local associate of the group, along with government officials.

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