Arctic Ice Melt, Sea Level Rise May Pose Imminent Threat To Island Nations

A young girl living next to the sea, on the South Pacific island of Kiribati, watches the sea water during a ‘king tide’ wash over a wall built by her family to protect their land from erosion by the encroaching sea. Captions and Photo source: © Greenpeace / Jeremy Sutton-Hibbert


Low-lying island nations threatened by rising sea levels this century could see the disastrous consequences of climate change far sooner than expected, according to climate scientists…

Read Full Article, The Huffington Post

Watch a Youtube Video: Voices From the South Pacific – Part II
At only four metres above sea level, the small island nation of Kiribati is one of the countries most vulnerable to the effects of climate change and sea level rise. UNDP produced a film about the reality of climate change in the Pacific island of Kiribati. The film clearly shows how people’s lives are being affected right now by rising sea waters.

Climate change may force evacuation of vulnerable island states within a decade, Guardian UK
Leading climate scientist warns that vulnerable island nations may need to be evacuated within a decade as evidence shows polar ice is shrinking at greater speeds than models predicted. Island nations that have considered the possibility of evacuation at some point, like Tuvalu, may have to be contending those sort of decisions within the matter of a decade or so…

Sea level Rise, Greenpeace
It is not only small island states that need to worry about sea level rise. Sea level rise increases the risk of both temporary and permanent flooding of coastal lands. Around 23% of the worlds’ population lives in the near coastal zone with population densities about three times higher than the global average…

Sea Level Rise And The World’s Beaches, by Orrin H. Pilkey
Of all the various anticipated impacts of global climate change, sea level rise will likely be the first to produce a human catastrophe on a global scale. If our beaches are to survive for our grandchildren’s enjoyment, the time has come to plan the big withdrawal…

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