Warm Weather Sees Boom In UK Jellyfish Blooms

Lion’s mane jellyfish, the UK’s largest species. Photo source: ©© Bev Goodwin


Researchers say that the recent spell of warm weather has seen a rapid increase in jellyfish blooms around Britain’s coasts…

Read Full Article, BBC News

Are Jellyfish Increasing in the World’s Oceans? A UCSB Study (Uploaded 02-03-2012)
Blooms, or proliferation, of jellyfish have shown a substantial, visible impact on coastal populations, clogged nets for fishermen, stinging waters for tourists, even choked intake lines for power plants, and recent media reports have created a perception that the world’s oceans are experiencing increases in jellyfish due to human activities such as global warming and overharvesting of fish.

Boom in Jellyfish: Overfishing Called Into Question (Uploaded 05-03-2013)
Will we soon be forced to eat jellyfish? Since the beginning of the 2000s, these gelatinous creatures have invaded many of the world’s seas, like the Japan Sea, the Black Sea, the Mediterranean Sea, etc…

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