The Landscape Can Protect Our Health, If We Can Protect The Landscape

A view of mangrove shoots planted by Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and others on Tarawa, an atoll in the Pacific island nation of Kiribati. Captions and Photo source: ©© UN


Friday marks the final day of the United Nations COP19 climate change conference in Warsaw, Poland.

Much has been said of the possible connections between climate change and Super Typhoon Haiyan, at least to the extent that similarly fierce storms are expected to strike more often and more intensely in the decades ahead.

But one issue intersecting both global warming and extreme weather has received little attention: how changes to the natural landscape may be putting public health at greater risk…

Read Full Article, The Huffington Post

Red mangrove, Lugar: Boca de caño de de Tacuato, Paraguaná, Estado Falcón, Noroeste de Venezuela. Captions and Photo source: ©© Bastien Vaucher

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