Climate Change Threatens China’s Booming Coastal Cities, Says Expert

Shanghai. Photograph: © SAF — Coastal Care


With an ageing society and more people living by the coast, China faces a challenge coping with climate change…

A recent study led by Georgina Mace, ecosystem professor at University College London, indicated that governments across the world have failed to grasp the risk that population booms in coastal cities pose as climate change continues to cause rises in sea levels and extreme weather events…

Read Full Article, Guardian UK

Shanghai: Most Vulnerable Major City to Flood Risk, BBC News (08-21-2012)

Coastal Nations, Megacities Face 20 Feet of Sea Rise, Climate Central (07-11-2015)
If, as suggested by a comprehensive new review in the journal Science, 2°C of global warming will lock in at least 20 feet (6 meters) of eventual sea level rise, what would 2°C of warming (3.6°F) mean for the future and heritage of global nations and cities?

Too Big to Flood? Megacities Face Future of Major Storm Risk, Yale E360 (01-12-2013)

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