Vanishing Stories in a Vanishing Country

Most of the land in the Marshall Islands is no more than three feet above the high tide mark. Captions and Photo source: ©© Erin Magee, AusAID / Department Of Foreign Affairs


You’ve probably heard climate change will cause stronger storms, drier droughts and possibly mass extinctions. But one of the clearest, and far-less-talked-about, injustices of climate change is that it threatens to disappear entire countries…

Read Full Article,”You are Making this Island Disappear” CNN

“Vanishing stories in a vanishing country,” Climate change on Snapchat; CNN
CNN columnist John D. Sutter is spending the rest of the year reporting on a tiny number, 2 degrees, that may have a huge effect on the future of the planet. He’d like your help.

Climate Change in the Marshall Islands and Kiribati, Before and After- Interactive, Guardian UK (03-11-2015)

VIDEO: Voices From the South Pacific – Part II (11-19-2010)
UNDP produced a film about the reality of climate change in the Pacific island of Kiribati. The film clearly shows how people’s lives are being affected right now by rising sea waters…

Will Pacific Island Nations Disappear as Seas Rise? National Geographic (02-15-2015)

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