Super-typhoon Dujuan Slams Northern Taiwan

Super Typhoon Dujuan approaching Taiwan, on September 28. The storm’s center made landfall along Taiwan’s mountainous northeast coast near the town of Nan’ao. The storm came ashore with sustained winds of 225 kilometers (140 miles) per hour—the equivalent of a category 4 hurricane. Captions and Photo source: NASA / Earth Observatory


Super Typhoon Dujuan, made landfall along Taiwan’s mountainous northeast coast near the town of Nan’ao. The storm came ashore with sustained winds of 225 kilometers (140 miles) per hour—the equivalent of a category 4 hurricane.

Super typhoon Dujuan kills two people and leaves more than 300 injured in Taiwan, authorities say after it swept across the island before making landfall in eastern China. The storm also hit the Chinese coastal city of Putian on Tuesday morning, but no reports of damage followed…

View News Video, ScienceDaily / AFP

Super Typhoon Dujuan Slams Northern Taiwan, NASA / Earth Observatory

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