Unrestrained Fossil Fuel Burning Could Drown World’s Major Cities

Photograph: © SAF — Coastal Care


Burning all of Earth’s fossil fuels would trigger enough global warming to completely melt the Antarctic ice sheet, a new study finds.

If this ice were to melt, it would cause sea levels to rise by 200 feet (60 meters), drowning land around the world that is currently home to more than a billion people, the researchers said in the study…

Read Full Article, LiveScience

Coastal Nations, Megacities Face 20 Feet of Sea Rise, Climate Central (07-11-2015)

Melting Antarctic: Failure to Act Now on Emissions Could Raise Oceans by Metres, Guardian UK (05-05-2015)

Antarctica’s Glaciers are Collapsing – Are We Ready To Pay Attention? Greenpeace (05-16-2014)

Too Big to Flood? Megacities Face Future of Major Storm Risk, Yale E360 (01-12-2013)

Future Flood Losses in Major Coastal Cities: Costly Projections, Science Daily (08-19-2013)
As economic activity and populations continue to expand in coastal urban areas, particularly in Asia, hundreds of trillions of dollars of infrastructure, industrial and office buildings, and homes are increasingly at risk from intensifying storms and rising sea levels…

NASA: Rising Sea Levels More Dangerous Than Thought, NASA (08-26-2015)

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