Proposed Maine bill could lead to beach erosion

Photograph: © SAF — Coastal Care


A proposed bill allowing towns to bypass state permitting and decide for themselves when to remove ‘large’ amounts of seaweed, will lead towns to unwitingly destabilize their beaches, with grave consequences for the town’s beach and their beach goers – less sand, erosion, and a beach barren of life…

Seaweed, dried and fresh, is a necessary part of the beach environment…

Read Full Article; Bangor Daily News (04-09-2017)

Cleaning Maine’s Coastal Waters: Are Seaweed Gardens the Answer? (02-06-2017)
Seaweed cultivation has been promoted in recent years in Maine as a way to produce local nutritious food and to boost the coastal economy. Now, seaweed harvesters say their industry provides yet another benefit: environmental protection, in the form of improving water quality…

Seaweed a growing problem on Maine beaches; Portland Press Herald (09-05-2015)

Sargassum Watch Warns of Incoming Seaweed; EOS (09-02-2016)
Sargassum beaching events in the Caribbean, West Africa, and other regions have received wide media attention, prompting action by regional governmental agencies and environmental groups seeking to understand this new phenomenon…

Green And Golden Seaweed Tides On The Rise, By Victor Smetacek & Adriana Zingone
Green, brown and red seaweeds lying on the beach are part and parcel of life in many coastal regions. The amount of beached seaweed biomass started to increase along the shores of industrialized countries in the 1970s, and by the 1990s had become a nuisance along many beaches when mass-stranding events of macroalgae became known as green tides…

Seaweed Might Have The Power To Make The Oceans Less Acidic; Huffington Green (04-28-2015)
The thick, slimy brown ribbons are notorious for tangling the ankles of beachgoers and rotting in pungent piles. But kelp, according to its growing fan base, could also prove potent in protecting the health of oceans, and us…

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