Fukushima radioactive particle release was significant, says new research

Post tsunami devastation, Japan 2011. Photograph courtesy of: © Mark Edward Harris


Scientists say there was a significant release of radioactive particles during the Fukushima-Daiichi nuclear accident. The researchers identified the contamination using a new method and say if the particles are inhaled they could pose long-term health risks to humans…

Read Full Article; Science Daily (05-24-2018)

Scientists find new source of radioactivity from Fukushima disaster: in sand and groundwater; Phys. Org (10-02-2017)
Scientists have found a previously unsuspected place where radioactive material from the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant disaster has accumulated—in sands and brackish groundwater beneath beaches up to 60 miles away. The sands took up and retained radioactive cesium originating from the disaster in 2011 and have been slowly releasing it back to the ocean…

Fukushima Operator Finds New Source of Radiation Leak into Sea; Reuters (02-25-2015)

Ecological roulette”: Sea creatures hitchhike across Pacific on tsunami debris; CBS News (09-28-2017)
Nearly 300 species of fish, mussels and other sea critters hitchhiked across the Pacific Ocean on debris from the 2011 Japanese tsunami, washing ashore alive in the United States. It is the largest and longest marine migration ever documented….

“Coming To A Beach Near You,” by Eddie Jarvis (10-04-2012)
One thing is for sure, the costliest natural disaster the world has ever seen isn’t over yet…

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