A mourning orca mother carried her dead baby for days through the ocean

Photo source: ©© Giuseppe Milo


A grieving mother orca near Vancouver Island has been carrying her dead calf for four days, after refusing to leave her baby behind when the rest of her pod left.

In this way, the sad display speaks to something deeper than a mourning mother and her lost child. Killer whale populations in the Pacific Northwest are dwindling…

Killer whales eat salmon, and a number of human practices have taken a toll on native salmon populations. Some sources of hydroelectric power block salmon’s natural spawning routes.

“It’s time to heed environmental protections and rebuild essential ecosystems … and restore some of these natural river systems to facilitate wild salmon populations again.” Balcomb also says we should reconsider certain dams that create more environmental upheaval and economic cost than they’re worth…

Read Full Article, CNN (07-27-2018)

When Dams Come Down, Salmon and Sand Can Prosper; The New York Times (10-20-2015)

Dam projects on world’s largest rivers threaten ecosystems, rural livelihoods; Science Daily (01-08-2016)

DamNation; a Documentary That’s Testing the Waters of Corporate Social Responsibility; Produced by Stoecker Ecological and Felt Soul Media, and presented by Patagonia.

Movement to Take Down Thousands of Dams Goes Mainstream, National Geographic (01-29-2015)

“River Reborn: Elwha Flows Wild and Free Once Again,” NBC News
A construction crew on Tuesday detonated a large charge of dynamite, destroying the last remaining portion of Glines Canyon Dam and hastening the restoration of the Elwha River in the far reaches of the Pacific Northwest.

Elwha, The Grand Experiment (11-12-2012)

Large Dams Just Aren’t Worth the Cost, The New York Times (10-25-2014)

Small Dams On Chinese River Harm Environment More Than Expected, study finds, NSF (05-30-2013)

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