Fish Trawling Unexpected Impacts

For almost a century, fishing fleets have trawled for shrimp off Spain’s Mediterranean coast by dragging nets along the flat, shallow coastal sea floor. But in the 1960s, they also started to pursue shrimp farther offshore and into rugged canyons as deep as 800 metres. The impact they had on this rougher terrain was a mystery.

The Sixth Extinction Menaces The Very Foundations Of Culture

Human activity endangers entire species, yet human culture is profoundly rooted in nature. The range of animals and plants threatened by extinction is such that it menaces the foundations of culture as well as the diversity of nature, and what we really lose when we lose a species is: the very meaning of life.

Indian sand artist wins prize in Denmark

A sand sculpture on marine conservation, a 20-feet high sculpture “Save the Ocean” created by Indian sand artist Sudarsan Pattnaik, has won the prestigious audience prize at an international sand art competition held in Copenhagen.

Plan Approved to Find Faults Near Diablo Canyon, California

In a showdown that pit antinuclear activists against marine-mammal supporters, the California State Lands Commission approved PG&E’s plans to begin conducting high-energy 3-d offshore seismic tests to determine the extent to which the faults offshore from the Diablo Canyon Power Plant in Avila Beach connect…