End America’s Addiction to Fossil Fuels!

The recent oil spill off the coast of Santa Barbara is a powerful reminder of the devastating costs of America’s addiction to oil on our communities, beaches and wildlife. It’s time to invest in a clean energy future.

Pipeline Firm Told California Oil Spill ‘Extremely Unlikely’

Federal inspectors said the area near the break had earlier been repaired because of corrosion. At the break point, over 80 percent of the wall thickness of the pipeline had been eaten away. The pipeline, completed in 1990, is part of a network of lines that move crude oil to inland refineries. A handful of prior spills have taken place on the line, the largest about 1,200 gallons…

Disappearing Beaches of India

Beaches and coasts are amazing wonders of nature. India’s coastline stretches for around 7,500 kilometers. Yet, as much as 40% of India’s coastline is eroding at an alarming level, not only in Tamil Nadu and Puducherry, but also in many other beaches.

Beaches in Danger: 10 Disappearing Shorelines

When seas rise, it’s inevitable: beaches disappear. Add human interference with natural beach topography- channel dredging, sand replacement, seawalls, jetties – and it’s a recipe for disaster.

Boracay Experiencing Beach Erosion, 70% Coral Loss; Philippines

According to a study conducted by Japanese and Filipino scientists, coral cover in Boracay Island declined by about 70.5 percent from 1988 to 2011, and the highest decrease in the 23-year period, was recorded between 2008 and 2011, as tourist arrivals rose by 38.4 percent…