Thailand Resort Beach Blackened by Oil Spill

Black waves of crude oil washed up on a beach at a popular tourist island in Thailand’s eastern sea despite attempts to clean up the oil up over the weekend after it leaked from a pipeline.

Building a region of ocean defenders

It is easy to recognise our deep connection with the oceans, which have sustained and fed our communities for centuries, and undoubtedly many of us share a feeling of longing and awe when we gaze at the beauty of our seas. But it’s also tragic that we can emotionally distance ourselves from the ocean and the great perils it is facing.

Sand Mafia Still Unabated, Algeria

Illegal beach sand mining is reaching alarming levels along the 10 kilometers shoreline from the East of Jijel city to Oued Djendjen area, on the northeastern coast, Algeria.

Less Ice Equals More Seal Strandings on US Coast

Young harp seals off the eastern coast of Canada are at much higher risk of getting stranded than adult seals because of shrinking sea ice cover caused by recent warming in the North Atlantic, according to a Duke University study.

The Amazing Properties of Saltwater-Saturated Beach Sand

Exactly as a suspension of corn starch (corn flour) aka oobleck, the beach sand immersed in salt water becomes a non-Newtonian system: a fluid whose flow behavior departs from that of a Newtonian fluid, so that the rate of shear is not proportional to the corresponding stress.