North Sea Oil Pollution: “Something has gone wrong here,” Shell Declared

It’s not the most reassuring apology in the world; alongside the apology came the admission that the second leak could take weeks to fix, that the pipe that sprung the leak is more than 30 years old, and that if Shell’s risk assessment, maintenance and inspection processes had been better, the accident wouldn’t have happened in the first place…

Raising Awareness of Plastic Waste

Most people are familiar with the concept of a carbon footprint. Many may also know there is such a thing as a water footprint. But whoever heard of a plastic footprint? Well, soon, more and more people will have. The Plastic Disclosure Project aims to “push the thinking about plastic pollution far beyond beach cleanups with an attempt to change the awareness and behavior of big users of plastic”…

Bali Struggles With the Dark Side of Success

Bali Plastic Pollution

Bali may still be the Island of the Gods and the Island of a Thousand Temples, but it is certainly no longer the island of pristine beaches. Construction cranes on beaches, damaged coral, and floating trash in the turquoise waters off Bali and on its sandy beaches, are unfortunate signs of just how successful the Indonesian resort island has been leading to coastal over-exploitation and pollution.

Dead Zone Off Gulf Coast, As Large As The State Of New Jersey

Dead zones off the coast, are fueled by nutrient runoff from agricultural and other human activities in the Mississippi River watershed, which stimulates an overgrowth of algae that sinks, decomposes and consumes most of the life-giving oxygen supply in bottom waters. These chronic, recurring hypoxic zones every summer represent a significant threat to Gulf coastal ecosystems.

Wild Boar Deaths linked to Green Algae: Confirmed

First tests on wild boars washed up on Brittany’s beaches, showed that all but one, had hydrogen sulphide gas (emitted by rotting green algae) in their lungs. Test results on the remaining boars haven’t been released yet.