Cities Affect Temperatures for Thousands of Miles

In a new study that shows the extent to which human activities are influencing the atmosphere, scientists have concluded that the heat generated by everyday activities in metropolitan areas alters the character of the jet stream and other major atmospheric systems. The world’s most populated and energy-intensive metropolitan areas are along the east and west coasts of the North American and Eurasian continents…

Controversy Brews Over Coastal Adaptation Project

Plans for adapting to climate change in Cartagena, Colombia, were first outlined back in 2004, and continue to advance in spite of the voices raised in protest. While the authorities applaud the plans, many local people have their doubts…

Tasmania Intense Fires

In January 2013, intense bushfires blazed in Tasmania, an island south of Australia. One of the hardest hit towns was Dunalley, a fishing village on the eastern coast.

How High Could the Tide Go?

Researchers explored ancient rock formations on South Africa’s coast. They are looking for critical clues from records of past climate change to help predict sea level rise in a warming world.

US Scientists in Fresh Alert Over Effects of Global Warming

US National Climate Assessment reveals that severe weather disruption is going to be commonplace in coming years. The uncompromising language of the report, and the stark picture that its authors have painted of the likely effects of global warming, have profound implications for the rest of the world.