The Colorado River Returns to the Sea

More than eight weeks after the he Morelos Dam on the Arizona-Mexico border was opened to allow a “pulse flow” , which began on March 23, and now nearing its end, the Colorado River, after coursing through its delta, touched the Sea of Cortez.

Alluvial Fan in Kazakhstan

Mountain streams are usually confined to narrow channels and tend to transport sizable amounts of gravel, sand, clay, and silt, material that geologists call alluvium.

DRC Mega-Dam to Be Funded by Private Sector, Groups Charge

Watchdog groups here are warning that a deal has been struck that would see Chinese investors fund a massive, contentious dam on the Congo River, the first phase of a project that could eventually be the largest hydroelectric project in the world.

“We Were Once Three Miles From the Sea”

Grain by grain, West Africa’s coasts are eroding away, the dry land sucked under the water by a destructive mix of natural erosion and human meddling… Nyani Quarmyne has poignantly photographed the impacts of climate change on people living on the Ghana coast.