The Mekong, Dammed to Die

In Laos, the lush forests are alive with the whines of drills that pierce the air. On the Mekong, a giant concrete wall rises slowly above the trees. The Don Sahong dam is a strong symbol, not only for a power-hungry Asia but also for what critics fear is a disaster in the making.

Coastline erosion worsening in Malaysia

The Malaysian Minister of Natural Resources and Environment said about 10 per cent of the country’s 6,700km coastlines are now badly affected by erosion, especially in areas where coastal developments projects are being implemented.

How a useless dam nearly destroyed an iconic beach; CA


The city of Ventura and environmental groups launched a $4 million beach-building project when the coastline eroded in the early 1990s because the Ventura River was no longer bringing enough sand and sediment to nourish the beach. The sand thief was 16 miles upstream: Matilija Dam.

Zeebrugge, Belgium

This Belgian town has just 4,000 inhabitants, but it takes 11,000 people to operate the port.