To Birds, Storm Survival Is Only Natural

In the wake of Hurricane Sandy and the northeaster, much of the East Coast looked so battered and flooded, so strewed with toppled trees and stripped of dunes and beaches, that many observers feared the worst. Any day now, surely, the wildlife corpses would start showing up, especially birds…

World’s Rarest Whales Washed Ashore New Zealand Beach

The vast expanses of the South Pacific Ocean have, until recently, concealed the identity of the world’s rarest whale. Two individuals of this species, previously known from only two skull fragments and a mandible, were recently discovered beach-cast in New Zealand. New Zealand has an extensive coastline and is a known hotspot for whales stranding.

Protect Our Marine Wildlife and Fisheries from Seismic Testing

This November, PG&E plans to begin the seismic testing program required by regulators to determine whether the Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant can continue to operate safely on California’s Central Coast. Environmental reviews for this project have already found “significant and unavoidable” impacts on marine life…

Scientists Predict Major Shifts in Pacific Ecosystems by 2100

A new study published in Nature Climate Change examines the distribution of various open ocean animals in the North Pacific and explores how that could change over the next century as global ocean temperatures increase and productivity levels shift.

Epic Hermit Crab Migration Captured On Camera

It’s something you have to see to believe. A beach on the island of St. John in the U.S. Virgin Islands is overtaken by a millions of hermit crabs during the crustacean’s mass migration, turning the sandy shore into a sea of clattering shells and legs.

People Power Wins: Super Trawler Banned, Australia

In a huge victory against the plunder of our oceans, the Australian Federal Environment Minister Tony Burke has announced new laws that will ban the Margiris super trawler, from operating in Australian waters for up to two years.

The Sixth Extinction Menaces The Very Foundations Of Culture

Human activity endangers entire species, yet human culture is profoundly rooted in nature. The range of animals and plants threatened by extinction is such that it menaces the foundations of culture as well as the diversity of nature, and what we really lose when we lose a species is: the very meaning of life.