Whale found In Thailand dies from eating over 80 plastic bags

Rescuers unsuccessfully tried to nurse the male pilot whale back to health. A necropsy revealed over 17 pounds of plastic, including more than 80 plastic bags, in the whale’s stomach.
3 SoCal Beaches Among the Most Polluted in the State

Three Southern California beaches are among the 10 most polluted in the state.
CO2 Levels Break Another Record, Exceeding 411 Parts Per Million

Levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere exceeded 411 parts per million (ppm) in May, the highest monthly average ever recorded. In addition, scientists found that the rate of CO2 increase is accelerating.
Florida has spent more than $100 million pouring more sand onto beaches in the past three years. Is it time to wave a white flag?

In South Florida’s war against the tides, it may be time to recognize that discretion is the better part of valor. For the past 70 years, the state of Florida has spent more than $1.3 billion on packing sand onto eroding beaches.