Tearing Down Small Dams Is Helping Restore Northeast Rivers – Yale Environment 360

More than 30,000 small dams currently block river tributaries from Maine to Maryland. New initiatives to remove them are aimed at restoring natural flows, improving habitat for aquatic life, and reopening thousands of river miles to migratory fish, from shad to American eels.
Coastlines Around the World Are Losing Sediment – EOS

A new tool maps coastal sediments on the basis of water color. It shows that 75% of the world’s coastlines may be losing suspended sediment.
The Other Side of the World’s Largest Dam Removal – Hakai

Removing dams from the Klamath River in Northern California seems like a clear win for fish and rivers. Why do some locals hate it…?
First salmon swims all the way to Oregon after historic California dam removal – San Francisco Chronicle

The massive dam-removal project on the Klamath River began living up to its lofty goal of improving fish passage this week when at least one salmon was observed swimming upriver past the sites of four former dams that had long blocked fish….
A Radical Approach to Flooding in England: Give Land Back to the Sea – the New York Times

When a huge tract of land on the Somerset coast was deliberately flooded, the project was slammed as “ridiculous” by a local lawmaker. But the results have been transformative…
When dams come down, what happens to the ocean? – High Country News | Hakai Magazine

A long-term study of the Elwha River Delta reveals lasting change — and a healthier ecosystem.
California will help return tribal lands as part of the historic Klamath River restoration – the Los Angeles Times

More than a century has passed since members of the Shasta Indian Nation saw the last piece of their ancestral home — a landscape along the Klamath River where villages once stood — flooded by a massive hydroelectric project.
Now more than 2,800 acres of land that encompassed the settlement, known as Kikacéki, will be returned to the tribe. The reclamation is part of the largest river restoration effort in U.S. history, the removal of four dams and reservoirs that had cut off the tribe from the spiritual center of their world…
Dammed but Not Doomed – Hakai Magazine

As dams come down on the Skutik River, the once-demonized alewife—a fish beloved by the Passamaquoddy—gets a second chance at life…
No turning back: The largest dam removal in U.S. history begins – NPR

The largest dam removal in U.S. history entered a critical phase this week, with the lowering of dammed reservoirs on the Klamath River…