Archaeological Sites and Rising Seas: The Channel Islands’ Region

Coastlines have been magnets of human settlement and contain a rich array of ancient archaeological sites, many of which have never been excavated. The sea has long lashed at the Channel Islands, California, stripping away beaches, slicing off cliff faces and nibbling at hundreds, perhaps thousands, of cultural relics.

Plastic debris killing Adriatic loggerhead turtles

The shallow coastal waters of the northern Adriatic are one of the most important feeding grounds for loggerhead turtles in the Mediterranean. The concentration of litter on the sea floor is among the highest along European coasts, after the northwestern Mediterranean and the Celtic Sea.

BP Oil Well Threatens Ancient Coastal Libyan Sites

Plans by the energy giant BP to sink an oil well off the Libyan coast could have disastrous consequences for the region’s rich heritage of coastal ancient city sites dating from the 7th century BC– already under threat from oil tankers, coastal erosion and tourist developments.

Is climate science disinformation a crime against humanity?

While it may be reasonable to be somewhat sceptical about climate change models, disinformation about the state of climate change science is extraordinarily, if not criminally, irresponsible, because the consensus scientific view is based upon strong evidence that climate change is already being experienced in the world, and may have potentially harsh effects upon tens of millions of people in the future.