Carole Fisher’s Art Exhibit: “Sticks in The Minds”

Nationally recognized artist Carole Fisher’s exhibit, “Sticks in the Mind: Alaska Oil Spill Project, 1989-2010,” opens today at the Minneapolis College of Art and Design (MCAD). She has spent the last 21 years conducting an artistic investigation into the Exxon Valdez disaster, interviewing more than 50 people in the process.

An Environmental Impact Statement: Abstraction of Destruction

The vivid color photographs of J. Henry Fair lead an uneasy double life as potent records of environmental pollution and as ersatz evocations of abstract painting, a strange battle between medium and message, between harsh truths and trite, generic beauty. His subjects include environmental degradation perpetuated on a regular, usually daily basis. “Abstraction of Destruction” is an exhibition at the Gerald Peters Gallery.

Did You Just Eat a Plastic Bag?

How Plastic Pollution Has Entered Our Food Chain. Research is just beginning to show that we are consuming many other chemicals through our seafood, and our disposable plastic waste may be a potent source of this contamination.

Ban on plastic shopping bags, Italy

A ban on plastic bags has come into effect January 1st, in Italy, which has one of the highest rates of consumption of the bags in Europe.

250 billion plastic fragments in Mediterranean

The estimate comes from French and Belgian marine biologists who analysed water samples taken in July off France, northern Italy and Spain. The figure derives from 4,371 minute pieces of plastic, average weight 1.8 milligrams (0.00006 of an ounce) found in the samples, which extrapolates to roughly 500 tonnes for the entire Mediterranean.

Urban Stormwater Runoff: A Significant Source of Beachwater Pollution

Stormwater runoff is generated when precipitation from rain and snowmelt events flows over land or impervious surfaces and does not percolate into the ground. Stormwater runoff is the most frequently identified source of beach closing and advisory days. The best way to protect beachgoers from water contamination is to prevent pollution from reaching the beach.