India’s Huge Artificial Reef Rollout May Cause More Harm Than Good – Dialogue Earth | The Maritime Executive

Thousands of planned artificial reefs may not increase fish populations, and could exacerbate coastal erosion…
Restoring Fantasy Island in Hillsborough Bay, one oyster shell at a time – WUSF | NPR

Volunteers have been busy building up natural seawalls on one of the spoil islands in the middle of the bay. They’re helping restore part of one of the most important rookeries in the state…
Untreated sewage and fertilizer runoff threaten the Florida manatee – the Conversation

The gentle, slow-moving Florida manatee has no natural predators. And yet, these charismatic mammals face numerous threats….
Mediterranean sea level found to be rising three times faster than expected – Murcia Today

The effects of climate change are speeding up the process of rising water on the coast of Spain…
Earth Will Exceed 1.5 Degrees Celsius of Warming This Year – Scientific American

This year won’t just be the hottest on record—it could be the first to surpass 1.5 degrees Celsius. The Paris climate accord aims to keep warming below that level when looking over multiple years…
Interactive | Growing Up In Climate Chaos – the New York Times

When you’re a teenager, everything can feel like a crisis. But for these teenagers living in areas around the world affected by climate change, the sense of growing crisis is real — not in some hazy future but today, disrupting their adolescence in ways both large and small….
This coastal tribe has a radical vision for fighting sea-level rise in the Hamptons – Vox

Next to some of the priciest real estate in the world, the Shinnecock Nation refuses to merely retreat from its vulnerable shoreline…
Earth broke all-time heat record two days in a row, scientists say – the Washington Post

Global temperatures Monday were highest ever observed — breaking a record set only 24 hours earlier….
Mangrove Trees Are on the Move, Taking the Tropics with Them – Scientific American

As the climate warms, mangroves are migrating farther poleward, transforming the coast as they go…