Hurricane Helene’s ‘historic flooding’ made worse by global heating, Fema says – the Guardian

It will be ‘complicated recovery’ in five states, says disaster relief agency, with hurricane killing at least 91 people so far…
Helene Has Killed More Than 110 People, Here Are Some of Their Stories – the New York Times

After the Category 4 hurricane made landfall on Florida’s Gulf Coast and pummeled the Southeast, some victims’ portraits were coming into focus…
In Charleston, floods are a ‘constant existential fear’ – the Washington Post

Charleston, S.C., is weary from a parade of floods that go back a decade. The city is taking action to confront the risk, but Debby offered more proof of how tall a task it faces….
Washed Away – AARP

As more older Americans move to the coasts, rising seas are wiping out their homes — and retirement dreams…
A Hidden Threat – the Washington Times

Fast-rising seas could swamp septic systems in parts of the South…