Audio: Vienna museum uses tilted paintings to spark climate conversations – Yale Climate Connections

The ‘A Few Degrees More’ exhibition at the Leopold Museum shows how disruptive a few degrees can be.
The Foul Chartreuse Sea – Yale Climate Connections

Researchers in Kotzebue, Alaska, are investigating why their town is increasingly playing host to harmful cyanobacteria.
Dead fish were everywhere, speckling the beach near town and extending onto the surrounding coastline. The sheer magnitude of the October 2021 die-off, when hundreds, possibly thousands, of herring washed up, is what sticks in the minds of the residents of Kotzebue, Alaska. Fish were “literally all over the beaches,” says Bob Schaeffer, a fisherman and elder from the Qikiqtaġruŋmiut tribe…
8 artists who are grappling with climate change and imagining a better world – Yale Climate Connections

Excerpt: From sculpture to photography, art can create space for creative solutions…
What does a pencil have to say about the future? What does a song, a smell, a coyote, or a lush Haitian garden teach us about how to live in a world in flux? Artists are examining these questions as they try to make sense of climate change…