US Scientists in Fresh Alert Over Effects of Global Warming

US National Climate Assessment reveals that severe weather disruption is going to be commonplace in coming years. The uncompromising language of the report, and the stark picture that its authors have painted of the likely effects of global warming, have profound implications for the rest of the world.

Domestic Climate Laws Are Essential, says UN

Governments must enact domestic laws on climate change and greenhouse gas emissions if international efforts to stall global warming are to succeed, according to the UN’s climate chief.

Too Big to Flood? Megacities Face Future of Major Storm Risk

As economic activity and populations continue to expand in coastal urban areas, particularly in Asia, hundreds of trillions of dollars of infrastructure, industrial and office buildings, and homes are increasingly at risk from intensifying storms and rising sea levels.

Effects of Climate change will be felt more deeply in decades ahead

A federal advisory panel released a draft report on how Americans can adapt to a changing climate, a more than 1,000 page tome that also sums up what has become increasingly apparent: The country is hotter than it used to be, rainfall is becoming both more intense and more erratic, and rising seas and storm surges threaten U.S. coasts.

Why The Economy Needs Nature

One of the greatest misconceptions of our time is the idea that there is somehow a choice between economic development and sustaining nature.

A New Point of Reference for Offshore Energy Development

A new Department of Energy research facility could help bring the U.S. closer to generating power from the winds and waters along America’s coasts and help alleviate a major hurdle for offshore wind and ocean power development.