
Sand is a common material found on beaches, deserts, stream banks and other landscapes worldwide. In the mind of most people, sand is a white or tan, fine-grained, granular material. However, sand is much more diverse…

Seeing in the Dark

Marine mammals such as dolphins and porpoises rely on their hearing to navigate, communicate, and find food in the typically deep, dark, and murky waters they inhabit.

The Mysterious Moeraki Boulders, New Zealand

The Māoris explained the presence of almost perfectly spherical boulders on Koekohe Beach, on the South island of New Zealand, as eel baskets washed up from an enormous, sunken canoe. But the science behind these up to three metres high perfectly rounded boulders rocks is much stranger.

Oil Spills Becoming Frequent Hazard for Fishermen Near Mumbai

Local fishermen called on officials to take serious action to halt the recurrent oil spills plaguing the Uran shoreline, because of the profound detrimental impacts they have on fishstocks, coastal ecosystems, fishermen and other communities that depend on the sea for their livelihood.

Climate Shocks Will Hurt Poverty Targets

As climatic shocks worsen, disaster-affected populations will be driven deeper into poverty, exacerbating their vulnerability, in as soon as two decades – unless policymakers start to address the issue now.

Mysteries of Giant Fish, Loch Ness and Sea Serpents

The recent discovery of a monstrous fish off the Southern California coast has people buzzing. Photos of people holding a long piscine monster have spread around the Internet; there are of course many fake “big fish” photos floating around, but this one is not a Photoshop job, nor a hoax.