The Search for Energy Takes a Turn Underwater

The fearsome tides that sweep out from the easternmost shores of the United States have for more than 80 years teased engineers and presidents like Franklin D. Roosevelt, who have dreamed of harnessing their force to make electricity…

Is This Our Future? Manila

Try and imagine what it would be like to wake up one day, look outside the window and discover that your home has disappeared…

New Global Warming Culprit: Dams

Washington State University researchers have documented an underappreciated suite of players in global warming: dams, the water reservoirs behind them, and surges of greenhouse gases as water levels go up and down.

Coral Reef Thriving in Sediment-Laden Waters

A new study has established that Middle Reef, part of Australia’s iconic Great Barrier Reef, has grown more rapidly than many other reefs in areas with lower levels of sediment stress.

Houses Built on Sand

The excessive extraction of oceanic sand has caused the large-scale erosion of China’s shoreline and fisheries, while a lack of regulation has allowed unstable sand to be used in construction.