Precipitation Impacts Glacial Melt

As glaciers fluctuate, retreating or adding mass, they dramatically affect the water cycle, locking up fresh water as they amass, causing the sea level to rise as they thaw and retreat.

Asia and Pacific: climate disasters displace 42 million

Climate-related disasters have displaced more than 42 million people in Asia over the past two years. The environment is becoming a significant driver of migration in Asia and the Pacific as the population grows in vulnerable areas, such as low-lying coastal zones and eroding river bank.

Rising Sea Levels Seen as Threat to Coastal U.S.

About 3.7 million Americans live within a few feet of high tide and risk being hit by more frequent coastal flooding in coming decades because of the sea level rise caused by global warming, according to new research.

Salt-loving Plants Could Help Ease Food Crisis

Plant scientists said they had bred a strain of wheat that thrives in saline soils, boosting the quest to feed Earth’s growing population at a time of water stress and climate change. The first beneficiaries of this could be Japanese farmers whose fields were submerged by last year’s tsunami…

Climate change threatens Seychelles habitat

As changing season patterns bring harsher storms, storm surges, higher tides, and also much longer dry spells, international organisations are helping fight climate change in the tiny nation, the only one in the world where 50 percent of the land is a nature reserve.