The Bohai is a closed sea so its ability to self-clean is limited. Photo source: ©Greenpeace
Official Chinese media on Sunday accused a major state energy company of failing to disclose full and immediate information about an oil spill from a rig off its northeastern coast…
Photo source: ©Greenpeace
Greenpeace, Dalian Oil Spill 2010
Last year, an oil spill in Dalian, happened after two pipelines exploded on July 16, spilling oil into the Bohai Gulf. An estimated 11,000 barrels (1,500 tons) of crude leaked into the ocean, creating an oil slick that has expanded over some 100 square kilometers. How many times will local communities have to relive this nightmare…?
“Our planet’s over-reliance on petroleum caused this tragedy,” Greenpeace Climate Campaign Manager Ailun Yang said. “It is a sad day for those involved in the clean-up effort, and for the planet as whole. Ultimately it is we human beings who pay the price for our oil addiction.”