Exploratory Drilling For Gas To Begin Soon Off Cyprus Southern Coast

U.S. firm Noble Energy will soon begin exploratory drilling to confirm oil and gas deposits beneath the sea bed off Cyprus’ southern coast despite Turkey’s attempts to prevent such a move.
Observations of Climate Change from Indigenous Alaskans

USGS coordinated interviews with Yup’ik hunters, Alaska Natives, to document their observations of climate change. By integrating scientific studies with indigenous observation, these multiple forms of knowledge allow for a more comprehensive understanding of the complex challenges posed by climate change. The indigenous knowledge encompasses observations, lessons and stories about the environment that have been handed down for generations, providing a long history of environmental knowledge.
Study Predicts Sea Level Rise May Take Economic Toll On California Coast

California beach towns could face hefty economic losses caused by sea level rise in the next century, according to a new state-commissioned study conducted by economists at San Francisco State University.
Scientists: Bacteria Spreading In Warming Oceans

According to a new report, Project CLAMER — a collaboration of 17 European marine institutes, synthesizing 13 years of findings — presented at a two-day conference in Brussels, the warming of the world’s oceans can cause proliferation of bacteria leading to serious illness.