The High Costs Of Beach Renourishment

The sand at the newly renourished North Shore Road beach, on Longboat Key, Florida, is already eroding after its completion in May 2011, and an escarpment, or drop off, has formed at the beach access area. The beach renourishment project was completed only 5 months ago at a cost of $4.5 million and placed 133,000 cubic yards of sand on the beach…
On The Fly, Northern Morocco; By Maximilien Lebaudy

“On The Fly, Northern Morocco” is an image from Maximilien Lebaudy.
Charleston’s vulnerable future, through the eyes of an artist; By Celie Dailey

Artist Mary Edna Fraser lives on an intertidal creek in Charleston, South Carolina. Although having depicted coastal regions around the world, it is this landscape that she knows best. Much of the city of Charleston lies at about eight feet above sea level and when high tide combines with a little rain, flooding is rampant all over the city.