Dredging for sand set to begin in Topsail Beach

Sand that was lost during Hurricane Irene last year is being replaced this week. Officials in Topsail Beach expect that the pumping of sand onto the beach will started on Monday.
World’s Largest Sand Mass Discovered Under Seafloor

A giant mass of sand large enough to bury all of Manhattan under dunes more than 50 stories tall apparently erupted from the floor of the North Sea hundreds of thousands of years ago, the largest such body of sand ever found in the world, researchers say.
Japan Tsunami Holds Lessons for Pacific Northwest

The threat posed to coastal areas in the Pacific Northwest by massive tsunami flooding gained renewed attention after the magnitude 9.0 earthquake and consecutive devastating tsunami that rapidly inundated coastal areas in Japan on March 11, 2011. Scientists say that a similar tsunami hit the Pacific Northwest coast in 1700, and it may happen again. 90 percent of the coastal region’s residents evacuated effectively in japan, but a same situation would likely play out differently in the Pacific Northwest.