Is Seaweed the Future of Biofuel?

Photo source: ©© Timothy K Hamilton


As scientists continue the hunt for energy sources that are safer, cleaner alternatives to fossil fuel, an ever-increasing amount of valuable farmland is being used to produce bioethanol, a source of transportation fuel. And while land-bound sources are renewable, economists and ecologists fear that diverting crops to produce fuel will limit food resources and drive up costs.

Researchers have gone to the seas in the quest for a renewable energy source that doesn’t endanger natural habitats, biodiversity, or human food sources that marine macro algae, common seaweed, can be grown more quickly than land-based crops and harvested as fuel without sacrificing usable land. It’s a promising source of bioethanol that has remained virtually unexplored until now…

Read Full Article, Science Daily

Breakthrough in Seaweed Biofuel Reported

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