Oceanic Islands’ Topography and Erosion Impacts on Ecosystems

Oceanic islands are born, they grow, they are eroded and they disappear beneath the sea. Throughout this process, which takes millions of years, the islands change form and therefore change their ‘tenants’. The species adapt to the new environmental conditions,
Perpetual Ocean

The swirling flows of Earth’s perpetually changing ocean come to life in a new NASA scientific visualization that captures the movement of tens of thousands of ocean currents.
Radiation from Japan found in kelp off US West Coast

Radioactive iodine was found in kelp, sampled from coastal California, following last year’s earthquake-triggered Fukushima Daiichi nuclear meltdown, according to a new study.
Google Earth Tour of Reefs at Risk, Video

The Reefs at Risk project raises awareness of threats to coral reefs around the world, and provides information and tools to manage coastal habitats more effectively.