Trinidad Cracks Down on Destructive Shrimp Trawling

Trinidad & Tobago. Photo source: ©© LadyArctica


As far back as 1996, the U.S.-based World Resources Institute was warning that shrimp trawling was comparable to dynamite fishing in terms of sustainability.

The nets attached to the industrialised trawlers are heavily weighed down and dig deep into the seabed, capturing everything. “The depth they are fishing at and the fact that they are such large and powerful vessels, they cover an area the size of 50 football fields in a day. That is a lot of desert they are creating so the destruction is immense…”

Read Full Article, IPS News

Fish Trawling Unexpected Impacts< , Nature (Uploaded 09-08-2012)
For almost a century, fishing fleets have trawled for shrimp off Spain’s Mediterranean coast by dragging nets along the flat, shallow coastal sea floor. But in the 1960s, they also started to pursue shrimp farther offshore and into rugged canyons as deep as 800 metres. The impact they had on this rougher terrain was a mystery…

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