Thousands Of Containers Fall Off Ships Every Year. What Happens To Them?

It is estimated that thousands of containers are lost every year along international shipping routes due to big waves or wind gusts. Sometimes they wash up on shore, but what happens to the containers that land at the bottom of the sea? No one really knew.
Climate Data From Air, Land, Sea And Ice In 2013 Reflect Trends Of a Warming Planet

In 2013, the vast majority of worldwide climate indicators, greenhouse gases, sea levels, global temperatures, etc., continued to reflect trends of a warmer planet, according to the indicators assessed in the State of the Climate in 2013 report, released today. These findings reinforce what scientists for decades have observed.
World’s Biggest Fish Seek New Home

The largest living fish, whale sharks, may increasingly be using volcanic islands off the western coast of Europe as a new home as sea surface temperatures rise. This finding could shed light on how climate change might alter the behavior of fish globally.