A Sustainable Approach to Preventing Ocean Plastic Pollution

First and foremost, we’ve learned that sustainable change will come through an educated and aware society. Although we know sustainable change begins with education, we’re well aware that major solutions are being achieved through attacking the problem at its source.
The Beach Belongs to Everyone

In 2014, the Legislature and Governor gave the California Coastal Commission the authority to fine property owners who intentionally block public access to the coast. Previously, the CCC’s only leverage against homeowners blocking beach access was litigation, which wealthy beach house owners and coastal homeowner associations could drag out for years in court.
Last Call for Larsen B

Located on the coast of the Antarctic Peninsula, the Larsen B remnant is about 1,600 square kilometers (625 square miles) in area and as much as 500 meters (1,640 feet) thick. This last remaining section of Larsen B Ice Shelf, which partially collapsed in 2002, is weakening and is likely to disintegrate completely before the end of the decade.
Request by Exxon to Haul Oil After Pipeline Break Denied

Officials denied a request Tuesday by Exxon Mobil to temporarily use tanker trucks to transport crude oil from offshore wells through Santa Barbara County after a recent pipeline break that has become the state’s largest coastal oil spill in 25 years.