Life-Threatening Flooding Expected in East Coast States, West of Hurricane Joaquin

Relentless onshore winds and potentially unprecedented rainfall will lead to a double whammy of freshwater and oceanwater flooding over the next several days for many states on the U.S. East Coast, despite the fact that all of those states will be well west of Hurricane Joaquin as it follows a track several hundred miles offshore over the Atlantic.
Australia: South Coast Beach Erosion Worse Than Predicted

Researchers say coastal erosion is likely to be more extreme in future because of El Nino and La Nina influences.
Major Corporations Taking Climate Change Threat More Seriously – Survey

More companies are making climate change one of their top sustainability priorities, according to a survey released this week by nonprofit Business for Social Responsibility.
Record Number of Seals Are Dying On California Shores

Along California’s coast, an increasing number of endangered Guadalupe fur seals have died after stranding themselves on shore. Since January, almost 80 dead fur seals have been found in the area, leading the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) to declare an “Unusual Mortality Event” (UME).
Many Atolls May be Uninhabitable Within Decades Due to Climate Change

A new study shows that the combined effect of storm-induced wave-driven flooding and sea level rise on island atolls may be more severe and happen sooner than previous estimates of inundation predicted by passive “bathtub” modeling for low-lying atoll islands, and especially at higher sea levels forecasted for the future due to climate change.
Study: Polluted Runoff Reaches Beaches, NC

Septic tanks and bird droppings contribute to the stew of pollutants that pour into the ocean during and after storms on the Outer Banks, but measures to remediate the toxic flow could prove to be costly and difficult.