Yemen Braces for Another Cyclone

To have a cyclone or hurricane hit any nation twice in a week is not a common occurrence; to have two storms to hit one region of the Middle East is unprecedented. Cyclone Megh is predicted to make landfall near Aden, on the mainland of Yemen, on November 10.
Niger Delta: Shell’s Manifestly False Claims About Oil Pollution Exposed, Again

Claims by oil giant Shell that it has cleaned up heavily polluted areas of the Niger Delta are blatantly false, Amnesty International and the Centre for Environment, Human Rights and Development (CEHRD) said in a new report published November 3rd.
Megacities Hit Hard by Surging Sea Levels Even at 2C Rise: Study

Large swathes of Shanghai, Mumbai, New York and other cities will slip under the waves even if an upcoming climate summit limits global warming to two degrees Celsius, scientists reported Sunday.
Births Down and Deaths Up in Gulf Dolphins

Scientists are reporting a high rate of reproductive failure in dolphins exposed to oil from the Deepwater Horizon spill. The team has monitored these bottlenose dolphins in heavily oiled Barataria Bay for five years following the spill. Their findings suggest that the effects of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill will be long-lasting.
Climate Change Could Create 100 million Poor, Over Half a Billion Homeless

Rising sea levels from unchecked carbon emissions could drive more than 100 million people into extreme poverty and submerge the homes of over half a billion, two new reports say.