Satellite launched to monitor sea level, global warming

A SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket thundered away from a foggy California coast Sunday and boosted a $364 million science satellite into orbit, the latest in a series of spacecraft designed to precisely measure sea levels around the world, a key indicator of global warming, and to monitor ocean conditions responsible for extreme weather.
Innovative Project to Provide Renewable Energy 24/7, Chile

To provide a steady supply of clean energy, a novel energy project in Chile will harness the natural attributes that Chile has in abundance: seawater, coastal cliffs, and the Atacama Desert’s solar radiation.
El Niño Accelerating Bay Area Beach Erosion, CA

Each El Niño system that moves through the Bay Area represents an uncertain future for some people living along the coast in Pacifica, where residents say they’ve noticed a huge difference in the shoreline this winter. Typical erosion rates could double during an active El Niño year, coastal experts warn.