On N.H.’s Coast, Preparing for Future Storms with Grass, Sand and a Bit of Time

As New Hampshire’s coastline prepares for a world with rising seas and stronger storms, communities and homeowners have different options, none of them simple. But some scientists in New Hampshire are pitching a more natural approach. All it takes is a little grass and some time.
Hundreds of Sea Turtles Found Dead

As many as 300 to 400 dead sea turtles were found off the coast of El Salvador in Jiquilisco Bay late last month.
How can we save America’s vanishing beaches? California shows the way, according to Surfrider report

Shorelines are shrinking. Storms are flooding streets and battering homes. Coastlines around the country are being hit by climate change. And, perhaps surprisingly, California is offering an example of how the coast can be saved.