Fiji: Mangrove concern

Regional environmental protection agencies recently questioned Fiji’s commitment to oceans and coral health by highlighting the continued removal and destruction of mangroves in the country.
South Africa: Setback for Giant West Coast Mine Project

The government has rejected an application by a controversial Australian mining company for a huge expansion of its existing Tormin heavy mineral sands mine near Koekenaap on the West Coast. Tormin has been in operation since October 2013, produces heavy sands minerals from the beach.
More Than 1,000 Starfish Wash up on South Carolina Beaches

“Mass starfish strandings” are more common than we think.
Sewage spill closes eight Monterey beaches, CA

A massive sewage spill at the Monterey One Water wastewater treatment facility early Saturday morning has closed eight beaches. Approximately 4.9 million gallons of sewage spilled from the wastewater treatment facility.
More oyster reefs could help fight erosion on Texas coast

The Texas Parks & Wildlife Department in the past 10 years has built more than 400 acres of oyster reef off the coast — multimillion dollar projects intended to jump start the harvest of oysters, particularly after hurricanes and drought devastated the resource.