Bits of the Sahara on the Move

Scientists estimate that winds and storms pick up roughly 180 million tons of dust from the Sahara Desert each year and deposit it in the Atlantic Ocean and on the Americas. In the past week, active weather systems made a big deposit toward the 2018 total, as relentless storms lofted vast plumes of dust for days.
Like human societies, whales value culture and family ties

In a detailed genetic kinship study, an international team is the first to reveal that just like human societies, beluga whales appear to value culture and their ancestral roots and family ties.
Does new law restrict public access to Florida’s beaches?

A bill that Gov. Rick Scott signed into law last month has sent shock waves through Florida’s waterfront communities and prompted questions. The new law, which goes into effect July 1, has left some people afraid it will immediately cut off public access to beaches all over the state.