Coastal communities should exercise caution in using FEMA Flood Maps as the primary indicator of coastal risk; By Rob Young

Most coastal communities, like Mexico Beach, rely almost entirely on FEMA flood maps to understand their exposure to coastal hazards and risk to the community.
Rapa Nui’s Stone Statues and Marine Resources Face Threats from Climate Change

On this island in the Polynesia region of the Pacific Ocean, 3,800 kilometers from the coast of Chile, to which it belongs, the effects of climate change are already evident.
Ecosystem changes following loss of great white sharks

A new study has documented unexpected consequences following the decline of great white sharks from an area off South Africa. The study found that the disappearance of great whites has led to the emergence of sevengill sharks, a top predator from a different habitat.
Great Barrier Reef hit by ‘extraordinarily large’ muddy flood plume

Massive plumes of polluted floodwater spanning the entire coast of north-east Queensland are encroaching on the outer reaches of the Great Barrier Reef, sparking a fresh threat to the beleaguered natural wonder.