Pregnant whale washed up in Italian tourist spot had 22 kilograms of plastic in its stomach

The carcass of a pregnant sperm whale that washed up in Sardinia, Italy, last week had 22 kilograms (49 pounds) of plastic in its stomach, and was carrying a dead fetus, the country’s environment minister and a marine life non-profit organization said.
“Écume”; By Santa Aguila Foundation

“Écume”, is an image from Santa Aguila Foundation.
Terraces and Towns; By Gary Griggs

The geologic history of California’s north coast is evident in the typically steep relief and coastal landforms. This is an area where a drive along much of the narrow lanes of State Highway One along the often steep coast is always an adventure and where it’s never wise to take your eyes off the road for very long. Most of the beaches occur at the mouths of the coastal streams.