In the deep end: ‘Life in Troubled Waters’ Exhibit

The photographs taken by Selvaprakash Lakshmanan look at the changing Indian coastal landscape that has been affected by erosion, chemical plants, rising sea levels and over-fishing.
Trump administration makes it easier to dredge protected areas to restore beaches

The Trump administration changed a 25-year-old policy to make it easier for coastal communities to take sand from protected ecosystems to improve their beaches. The shift makes it cheaper for some of the wealthiest communities in the country to replenish their beachfronts.
Gulf of Mexico coral reefs to protect from storm surge in the future — But will they?

Coral reefs support 25 percent of all marine life around the globe. Those in the Gulf of Mexico, along the coasts of Louisiana, Florida, Texas and Mexico, serve as important barriers to storm surge, lessening the impact of dangerous hurricanes.